Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

because you BW3 buddy keeps incorrectly stating "power" when the actual value is TORQUE, you guys keep confusing yourselves. So we have 2 guys that think peak TORQUE @ 6500 IS good? And one that thinks a late model buick v6 is a performance engine. Hilarious. and the fact you guys continuously seek out arguments with a guy running a multi million dollar company that owns 9 second smallblock street car? Wow.

i had a 9 sec small block street car I sold going on 15 years ago. Many on here know the car and saw it go down the track, on super stock springs, and it wasn’t cut up, not even minitubbed. i Seriously doubt he has as many laps at the track in anything than I did in just that one car.
Not saying the guy doesn’t haven’t a successful business( so do I) so what. He doesn’t get special considerations from me for insulting a very slick build, he makes uneducated comments about.
not gonna kiss his *** when he belittles that little engine masters motor, and makes continuous comments about it having Zero knowledge about how those contests were run. For instance the dumb comment about the magnum RT heads. Dumb, zero getting around it. Then the dumb rpm comment about 6500 rpm on a small stroke motor. Again dumb.
And the dumb comment about it having been built in 2009. So what, very little has changed since then. Mopar small blocks are still the same.
that motor sat under a blanket for years until I bought it, and it’s still running today, literally.
that’s still a viable build tomorrow and the next day