Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

As far as I’m concerned, J-Mac isn’t an engine builder but he’s Da’Man for doing what he does. He is on the younger side and eye ball deep into things we wish we had some kind of influence with. He goes to work everyday for a company working to keep the American V-8 hotrod engine alive and via-able for those that don’t have the skill or want to have or build an engine themselves.

And you do what for a living?
Your personally hand built engines appear when & where?

And here you are praising an engine with a chink intake made by someone else specifically for a competition against a fella that works for a manufacturer of a general high performance engine company.

The you run the mouth AS IF YOU built the engine and your so sooooo smart while belittling another.

Pittsburghracer has made a serious something of a mention in his post that you should take seriously and follow. You don’t make sense my man.