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You won’t be happy till you run off more tech on this site. Why Dont you stick to running your wife’s used car business and paying guys to work on your car. It’s probably due for its Jiffy Car oil change.

why make assinline comments. It’s my business, I started it, ask anybody who knows me/ us pal. 33 years in this business, almost 15 as GM of a General Motors dealership. We do fine, I have never been a factory rat, thankfully.
we put it in her name on paper because of several benefits that affords us. Big one is me being able to collect my SSI for the last 6 years where I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to. Jealous or something. Everyone who knows my wife and I are well aware of what we do, and why, it’s called being intelligent.
regards working on cars, thought I had been very open and honest about my current health. It wasn’t always like it is now, I can assure you.
so quit taking pot shots at me about it.
That speaks very poorly of whatever character you think you have.