Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

Ohhh they are just starting. Mess with the bull get the horn. Always stating you have a fat car and it’s heavy. Well lose some damn weight so you aren’t 300
Plus pounds. You better watch what you state about your business so your disability isn’t challenged. I’ll screenshot that one as I have many of your posts about me.

nothing to screenshot. I am retired. My sole income is my SSI.
I am not disabled,( you have made that ignorant comment before, in spite of me telling you different), like I am again here.I am drawing social security , have since I was 62. It’s legal to do so, educate yourself.
I am not an employee, all my efforts are on a volunteer/ consulting basis. I don’t get paid a dime. We set it up this way long ago, my wife is younger, we knew long ago I was going to get to 62 before her.
our CPA does our taxes every year. We file married separately , on the advice of our CPA.
Trust me, I don’t doubt your a better car builder, mechanic, head Porter than me.
But when it comes to running a business, you are not on the same planet bud. And I will take the advice of my CPA over your advice.
Regards my weight, great advice, you’re right.
But every single car I have ever had has been dual purpose, nothing has ever had more fiberglass on it than several with fiberglass bumpers. Never even had a fiberglass hood. Ever. Only one car I have ever owned was even mini tubbed( current car)
So none have been hacked up race cars with huge tires on them. Not my interest, never has been. Leave that to guys like you. I will go the 2/3 tenths slower that comes with that. different strokes, different folks.