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Then he needs to stay in his lane and sell ****. Talking about 6500 like it’s some wild assed RPM is idiotic.

I know YOU know better than that.
It’s all point of view and what the engine is designed for and capable of. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s all good.
For some people, they reach 6K and they’re buzzing with excitement! Ready to crap their pants and leap for joy.
There is there point of view.

You, me, a few others, I get to 7300 and my warm fuzzy feeling is starting to get amped up a little bit! LMAO! Maybe one day some one will let me drive their modern HEMI spinning it to 12K when the shift light comes on. Doubt it’ll ever happen but hey! I CAN daydream right?!?!

The point was well stated by myself and not worth going over in a silly conversation discussing a pineapple to a banana.

IDK if you’re a Dad, but happy Father’s Day my man!
I’m going to leave this thread and I only replied to you specifically because of the kind of fella you are. Conversation with you is normally very good & can be productive for sure.

And yep! You’re right, rpm me baby! Till the power falls off into the toilet. Then bang a gear. Rinse/repeat.