U pull ripoff

Tgev$3 admission wasn't the deal killer but what's next? $5? Then $10 just to get past the counter? And how damn many times do they need to look in my toolbox? Maybe ONCE not 3x.
Well I was limited being Sunday, I haven't been around the area this yard is located in a couple of years for multiple reasons, but there used to be a junkyard every few blocks, under about every other clump of trees, I still say that extra charge for the warranty should be option not just slapped on everything and changing 80% of new price on smalls (with their bogus warranty would take cost of them higher than buying new) and changing for every "small" when it's part of an assembly is also bogus. Now if all I want was those actuators I could see them charging maybe $4-5 ea.... I have to return to do something about that radio but otherwise will not be back.