What do you think about this 318 guys.

Soaked ??? I have a hard time with that word and even more so in the amount you stated. Considering the cost of a days pay and the amount of time out into doing such work, I’d like to see you support a family and a shop on whatever you think is what should be paid for the job being done.

There is a huge difference in having someone do the job and you doing the job. I can screw together engines for a fraction of the build cost because I’m doing most everything. What I can’t do I’m glad to pay for. That would be bore and bone a block and balance the assembly perfectly. After that, I can do anything on the engine and its parts. If I went out and bought some items, I’d be down to just block work and final rotating assembly balancing to farm out.
I own a shop (in a different industry) so i get it.... soaked may be the wrong word... i just hate spending money right now is all :) summer is my slow time so it stresses me out