Still pulling to left after alignment

Just had an alignment done mainly due to the car pulling hard to the left, as in I let go of the wheel and the car will make a 90 degree left turn.

Got the call from the shop saying it was aligned but pulling to the left still, yay. They said it could be because one of the tires is further in front of the other (driver is actually 1” in front of the passenger tire). Or could be the treads on the tires but they seem to be worn even.

All new QA1 UCA, LCA, adjustable struts, tie rods.

Was hoping to get some direction from you guys. Definitely going to try to adjust the struts more.

Pic attached of the before and after numbers.

View attachment 1716107592
I don't see any reason why it would pull. If your tires are the same size rotate one side front to back. If different size rotate the fronts and see if the pull changes.