Where do I look now

Decent is in the eye of the beholder. I can guarantee that nomatter what car you buy there will be problems, 100%. I'm betting a 25k "rust free" car either is about to rust out around the 1/4s or already has been "fixed", which means there's more rust in harder to reach places.
My first mopar was a 74 318 gold duster, payed 900 for it, it truly was rust free,but that was in 1995.
I hear that. There's A bodies out there that are rust free simply because of where they were from. I don't know about where most of the guys on here have bought their cars but if you want a A body mopar that doesn't need body work it's going to cost close to 20k to get it. What people are forgetting is what goes up must come down and the car market will bust soon