1972 Dodge Colt

I am working with a friend in Australia on Weber carb tuning.
If know Weber's, each carb has a throttle return spring inside the carb.
Add the mandated dual return springs by NHRA and you have 5 springs to work against.
I came out to check model numbers and noticed the main linkage lever was shifted.
The foot pedal hooks to this lever.
So as it slips you go from full throttle to 2/3 throttle.
Well that is a real problem, this has caught me more than once.
You can see in the picture the gap has closed up.
It doesn't really matter how tight the little bolt is, if that gap is gone, it isn't going to lock on a smooth shaft.
Going to increase the "gappage" and mark on the rod the correct position.
Sucks that to fix this all the rod has to come apart.
Lots of little parts to screw up.
Looks like this will be an every round check point.

Weber Main Linkage.jpeg