Help me find the umph in my 360

its a little late for that if you didnt degree the cam
thats why you verify tach spedo gears kickdown and tune
then if it still blows you look at the cam
lots of variables you dont know comp ratio or cam install point
advancing timming is a crutch to a retarded cam
if you knew it was best why did not degree it
enough talk
until you verify the setup
you are no where
i used gps on my phone to get mph. Not speedo. I don't have a speedo hooked up at this point. And not degreeing the cam like i should of is before I started learning all of this. I'm learning on the fly man cut me some slack. The gears are 3.55 for sure becuase its stamped on the gears. I know i made the mistake on not degreeing the cam like i should of. Thats my bad. and its not that bad for me to pull everything apart get new gaskets and doing it the right way this time. This is just my fun side car.