Indy 360-1 vs Edelbrock RPM heads

I know Hughes was having problems getting help in the shop recently.
I don’t see the BM listed currently on the list of cylinder head options there.
I wonder if they’re actually available.
And if so, how much.
The non-BM cnc porting option from them is just over $1700.

That’s puts the cnc’d non-BM heads at over $3600, plus the cost of the spring/retainer/lock upgrades needed for the 550+hp cam.

Of course, you don’t need 300cfm heads to make solidly over 550hp.

Honestly, it just makes the trick flows look like an even better deal than they already are, especially if you want to bolt them on and go.

It's too bad there isn't an intermediate jump after the TFs. With the Indy 360-x, By the time you pay for the CNC porting and bolts/rockers/shafts/pushrods, you're up over $5000.