Looking for help... Skilled trades...

I grew up in the state of Connecticut, where high school, trade schools were all over the state, in lots of cities.
I went to one, in the late 60's, and took up the industrial, machinist, trade.
In our senior year before graduation, they took us on "field trips" into lots of the factories to give you an idea of a place you would like to apply for a job upon graduation.
What an eye opening experience that turned out to be.
Having never been inside any of those factories before, just seeing them from street level, in the city that i lived in, what a shock those tours turned out to be.
Those decrepit factories were probably built during the early 1900's, and i remember being inside one of them that had dirt floors, believe it or not.
Well, i never went to work in those old factories, but got a job in a mom and pop, family owned, tool shop.
But that job turned out to be a production type of job, and i quickly got turned off about working in factories, the rest of my life.
Found out that it wasn't for me.
I decided to join the US Air Force, and became a jet aircraft mechanic, one and two engines, and was a crew chief on the F-4 Phantom's, and then a phased dock mechanic on the little T-37 trainers.
Manufacturing went away to overseas countries decades ago, and shut down lots of industrial factories, back in East coast states, so i never looked back in the type of job that i left, and wasn't really suited for.