Looking for help... Skilled trades...

I have been in the body/paint industry now since I got out of high school. A friend I met at vocational school always said... just wait... one of these days they'll finally have to pay us.... and it's now. There is such a lack of body technicians it's not even funny. I believe last I checked there were 35k vacant positions in the US.

Everyone always says "these kids just don't want to work"... and I say, do you blame them? There is a strong chance I will die from work related cancer, I'm 43 and my back is completely destroyed, both of my rotator cuffs are torn, and I can barely lift my arms above my head. While I have always enjoyed "working" and working hard... I can honestly say I do fully understand why nobody wants to do this ****...

My best friends daughter and her boyfriend live in his basement... they are currently looking to buy their first house... the boyfriend designed a "bot" app for basketball shoe sales... and makes $45,000/month.... My best friend is an accountant and said this "kid" who is 22 paid over 200k in income taxes.... now remind me why he wants to learn a shitty trade that costs him thousands of dollars to learn, thousands in tools, and makes 64k/year.