Indy 360-1 vs Edelbrock RPM heads

Wow super nice builds! Example #3 has gone 140 with 3.55's? Can 3.91's do that too or is that wishing for alot?
Whoops! Typo! 130 mph, not 140 mph. The guy in the Mustang told me so. He didn’t think I could keep pace. It was scary. The new exhaust was configured with a new to me “X” pipe and made some wicked sounds keeping me out of it on the first time I was opening up the throttle. I got to about 6K-RPM and it sounded like a Banshee in my ear.

Here’s the thing with speed, it’s coupled with tire size and rpm. Can you? Sure! Is it a good idea? How well did you build your engine?

Gear ratio X Tire diameter X RPM and assuming a 1:1 trans ratio in drive….
3.91 X 28 X 6500 = 140 mph? Which also assumes no converter slippage and enough to power through the wall of air at speed.
I’m sure the RPM’s go up due to converter slippage and pushing the air out of the way.

Sit down with a calculator. Run some numbers.