Stop in for a cup of coffee

We're you taught by nuns by any chance?
So in actual fact no! My Father tried over and over to convert me to right hand. Our family is predominantly left handed. My Father gave up when my sister came along and she is a totally leftie. My opinion, as a result I can do most anything with either hand very comfortably. With exception of cutting meat on a plate, for that the knife must be in left hand or I will scatter meat all over the table! By same token when cutting up a deer I put knife in right hand? It makes no sense, I play hockey left handed but golf right handed! When I got to boot camp and laid down behind the rifle I got promptly kicked in the ribs and told in no uncertain terms the United States Marine Corps did not have wrong handed rifles! Been shooting rifles right handed ever since! And yes @WV64Signet i am strongly left eye dominate!