Hylift Johnson Lifters Quality Decreasing?

Uhhh, if the cheap $4.99 Melling lifters are so good, wouldn't y'all think Lunati, Hughes,
et al would be buying them from the same source..........................
I am not disputing some may have been lucky with Mellings....but it is a crap shoot.

It is not just the radius on the lifter that affects if it will survive, it is also the hardness....which you cannot see.
Point to where I said "they're so good". I did not. I told the story of what I did, because I was not going to spend 200 bucks on supposedly high end lifters, so I rolled the dice. It is indeed a crap shoot for sure. It shouldn't be.

My son is in Australia now. He watched water go down the drain the other day and said it indeed does swirl clockwise, opposite from up here. So that tells the toilets do, too. You ever check yours? lol