Mini Starters on a Slant Six

I might be a little less angry at the supplier for that rare starter, especially since it seems there is no alternate product. Put yourself in their shoes, considering it is a very small market, selling maybe 6 starters per year if lucky, and perhaps your car varies in some way. I say that because for my older M-B there are choices like $170 for a set of door weatherstripping from aftermarket company URO vs $650 for a M-B brand set (if can find). Purists rant about "never buy from URO, because ...". But many of their parts are fine and affordable. They even visit owner's forums and listen to owners and adjust their suppliers. For rarer cars, it can take teamwork to keep them on the road.
Sorry, I don’t put up with crap from sellers that sell crap and then don’t uphold their “100% satisfaction guarantee”. They sell junk and don’t want to stand behind it, they deserve to be boycotted. I usually say you get what you pay for, but these guys charge top dollar, so in this case I didn’t get what I paid for. I just got ripped off