Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning guys..

Payback day... :lol:

Had tweaked my shoulder lifting a couple of weeks ago... well, apparently, it didn't appreciate the work on the car this weekend... Leg cramp woke me up at 0300... can't raise my right arm and blazing headache. Awesome

So sitting with a bag of frozen corn on my neck and my pre-workout elixir drink getting ready to get on the bike.

That sucks. My leg is better but still not 100% (if it ever is). A bit stiff trying to get moving this morning(right leg Karl! :eek: ). Part of the reason I have more sitting around time to do the backread... :)
Good morning all. It was a hot weekend at Vintage Motorcycle days
Where is that?
I'm right there with you. Yesterday we had to move the car trailer a 180 to hook up to his truck. I have a electric trailer puller but had the trailer parked too close to the retaining wall. Had to work it back and forth a little push and pull and ended up tweaking my lower back. A day of ice, massage gun, and a few whiskey IV's. It feels better this morning, but it will be a day of not doing much and no softball game for me tonight. Hope you feel better soon.
Can't like that either...
What happened to high school kids mowing lawns for cheap?
Video games for a lot of them. Some still around, but finding one nearby, especially in rural Hoppyland is not likely.
Bucket comes right off in a minute, two pins. If needed the lift arms also are semi fast to release.
Might be worth it to get a regular mower. Zero turn or something that would get it done faster and hopefully not cost as much as tractor for maintenance. Save the JD for heavy work. But, as long as your time is worth more doing distributers, the pay neighbor option sounds good. :thumbsup:
Yes in NJ. James is in PA. Met him a few times.
Didn't we go there(somewhere?) for a Sun machine?

Good Morning