Dart rubber floor mat test prototype.

Because I am who I am.....


These intersections stand out to my eye.
Unless it is the way the OEM did it
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Not quite Chrysler logo style for sure. Even the Barracuda is hand drawn, same with the logo's they are all hand drawn and will not scale correctly to actually be a chrysler logo no matter what you try, I've already done the differential checks, over 40% different. Scaling, slant, thickness and curvatures are enough to make it look close and still be completely incorrect to an actual emblem or print. As for the DART It's a mime of the 50-60's deco style Lawn dart (or at least the bottom 1/2 of it) to connect the white Dart so I can pour it and place it in one piece. Trying to make it into discrete letters sucked big time, then trying to get them to Stick into the cavity when pouring the black wasn't working too well. it's a compromise between my skill (or lack of) and actually getting it to work.