LOL!! EV range not only reduced in cold, ALSO reduced in HEAT!!

ICE cars don't spontaneously ignite, EVs do. That's the issue I'd be most concerned about, but I'll never own one because they do nothing for me.
First let me say, I respect your decision to "never own" an EV. So i'm not trying to convince you to own one. I get that you may even consider an EV to be an Evil Villain (see what I did there) competing with our beloved ICE cars for spot as our primary mode of transportation. If given the choice between an Ice hellcat or an ev version of the same car my heart picks the ice version everytime.
So when I say I don’t 100 percent agree with the statement "ICE cars don't spontaneously ignite EVs do" It isn't because I'm trying to convince you to buy an EV car. I just want to cordially hear your thoughts on the subject and share mine.
I did some googling and if you can believe what has been written on the subject spontaneously ignited EV cars it seems that it is caused by a few things but basically the battery becomes over heated causing it to catch fire.
Some of the causes are poorly made batteries that short out and overheat, overcharging the batteries or charging at too fast a rate and mechanical damage to the batteries like from an accident or running something over.
In the instance of a defective battery shorting out and over heating and igniting the other batteries causing a chain reaction it would appear to be spontaneous combustion.
I also googled what causes cars (as in cars in general including ice cars) to catch fire. Fuel leaks, electrical shorts and mechanical demage (like from an accident) seemed to be the top 3 reasons. I think that if you parked your car and an electrical short occurs or flammable liquid leaked on to a hot part causing the car to catch fire it might appear from an observer to have spontaneously combusted. If your definition of spontaneous combustion means the fire is started from within the vehicle itself.
Don't take my word for this. Just google "recall for cars catching on fire and see what comes up
I know it seems like I'm an advocate for EV cars. I'm not. I can live with or without them. I am an advocate to keep the ability to drive my Ice cars. But If I can see the holes in the reasons given for why ev cars shouldn't exist so can the people who think ice cars shouldn't exist.
In my opion the battle to stop EV cars is over. The battle to keep driving my 69 baracuda is what I am focused on.