Engaging the Think Tank-"cloth" headliner into a '72 Duster.

The only one I have seen in quite a few years that would be considered junk was one I found near Portland on Craigslist a month ago that I robbed the LCAs off of. And it too was a TX9 '72 Duster 340 so no help there with measurements. And since pickups and Subarus rule the roads around here it's pretty unlikely I'll ever see a '70-'71 Duster in these here parts, much less one with the headliner out.

OM, I've been doing the research and I've seen the clips. I haven't done an earnest search for them because before now the car wasn't ready for a headliner. The only ones I have seen available are used ones for '67-'69 Barracuda and they look quite long and are actual springs. I've seen photos of the Duster ones (probably here) and they are indeed different. However, given a measurement I could probably make a pair out of some hardened wire I have or even pick up a pair of suitable springs at one of my local hardware store.
