How the F do you get to the bell housing bolts?!

Like I told a shop mechanic at an ag place I worked at one day. He liked to run some young guys down sometimes. I told him NOT everyone is born with mechanical abilities like him and not one is born with book and common sense both and some are born with neither, but IF someone wants to learn and work....
In all my years in construction, I've known many newbies that had no natural balance. They never developed any in the time that I knew them either.
Creative thinking was my point. Some have it, others do not. You'll have a slower and less competent employee if you hire someone that needs their hand held on every UNfamiliar job.
Those people may be great at data entry, washing dishes, mowing lawns, delivering packages but in situations that require critical problem solving skills, they will struggle.
When I do something new, I start with a general idea of what to do and almost always deviate from that plan as I encounter obstacles or find a simpler way to get around something.
I often look at YouTube for alternate ideas to repairs. Many times, they are better methods than what I have used. Sometimes they are ways that didn't work well for me.
Maybe I expect too much from others. It might explain why I get disappointed with others so often. My standard thoughts are that everyone can rise to meet the challenge if they try hard enough. The social unrest of the past few years have REALLY tarnished my faith in humanity and their level of intelligence.
My brother in law was not born with a wrench in his hand but he has a good analytical mind. I watched him work on cars with me and he did quite well. He was never trained, he just used his mind to develop workarounds for problems.