Looking for experienced opinions on removing k-member.

Obtain plugs for the brake hoses, and since this is an overseas car, no idea if they are American 3/16 inverted flare or not.

Since you surely will replace the upper arm bushings, separate the ball joint and remove the upper arm. This now leaves the spindle, steering linkage, and so on attached to the LCA.

Remove T bars

Remove/ disconnect steering column. There is a roll pin in the coupler near the box, and bolts from the column floor plate into the floor, plus a clamp mechanism up under the dash, remove the obvious lower trim plate,

Separate electrical connections, look for ground which should undo with the upper clamp nuts,

Disconnect shift linkage and pull column, or pull up and lay out of way

Safely block up car and K and undo 4 obvious large bolts. I never even try. I just reach for the antique I/R 3/4" drive air impact

If you do not have a service manual, wander over to MyMopar.com and download the closest one you see