Hydrogen Hotrod

As far as I know most hydrogen today is produced from natural gas (blue hydrogen). In the reforming process it takes natural gas and steam to free the hydrogen and a big electric driven compressor. The resulting CO2 is sequestered (pumped into the ground) or perhaps pipelined away for some other use. I know they are building a few of these plants in our area. Green hydrogen uses electricity generated from renewable resources in electrolysis although that doesn't mean its free or doesn't have an environmental impact. I have no idea if the economics are any good unless you consider the electricity to be free although I doubt the builders of solar farms will be giving away their electricity. For half of the vehicles in the US to be hydrogen or EV over 100M of them would need to be sold. That's over 5 years of car sales. We are many years away from having adequate electrical facilities in our neighborhoods and homes to charge electric cars on mass let alone build hydrogen refueling facilities. Either way I don't see hydrogen or EV being mainstream until after I'm done driving.
I will walk or go full hermit if they continue to force EVs down our throats like a rapist