What If Build Ideas...for Land Speed Racing

That is sad and great at the same time. Hopefully you are in good shape now. My father had one also in the early 2000's. Now I am having BP issues and was a cardiologist today even. Stress test and echo next week it seems. So, now is time to do some things I have dreamt about......

It’s not the end of the world. My doctor mentioned that I shouldn’t do millwright work in the steel mill anymore and we had a sit down. I said drawl up a plan of what you require me to do to get back to work so he did. Six months later I was back to doing everything that I did before. I have 3/4’s of a heart and my heart surgeon doesn’t even see my anymore for checkups. But he is there when I have stress tests. My family doctor handles everything and loves that I can still race. Heading out for another three day race weekend tomorrow.