318 Idle issues

agree, although pretty small since he removed and resealed the intake.

Sure but it depends on a lot of things. He indicated he used the cork ends, which are a known problem. The intake could be machined wrong (we've all seen that). it's easy to miss the junction where the china wall/heads meet, especially of the corks are used , etc, etc, etc.

Could it be the carb? Sure but Occam tells me it's something simpler and more obvious (not that Occam has never been wrong). In both cases, the only way to truly know for sure is...

1. put an air cleaner on the thing, and spray brake cleaner around the sealing areas of the intake. If the idle changes, intake leak. If not, points to the carb.
2. take the carb apart and rebuild it (or find a test/replacement)
3. take the intake off and ditch the corks, use a bunch of permatex grey to build walls after scrubbing with brake cleaner, use gasgacinch on the intake gaskets, front and back, with extra around the water ports.
