Front Hub Diameter for 65 Barracuda - Are there differences between 6 and 8 cylinder?

To add more info….a buddy of mine asked me for the 13s on the front. Trying to take them off is how all this started. So, in order to keep the car off the ground, knowing that later model metric Chrysler wheels are a close enough bolt pattern to use as shop wheels but not drivers ( offsets and lugs do not fully properly center), I attempted to put them on the front. While the pattern fit close enough for shop purposes, the hub diameter didn’t permit the wheel to go on far enough to catch any lugs on the front. So, I pulled and put the rear 13s on the front (which still don’t fully seat against the drum due to hub/center hole conflict) and was able to put the metric wheels on the rear with excess hole clearances (while the lug don’t fit exactly, they went on with enough room to catch lugs. I’ve included a pic of the front 13 which is a 13x4 or 4.5 and the rear metric 14 to support the discussion. I have no plans to use any of these wheels but why they don’t fit is what I’m trying to uncover.
