How do I reinstall the trunk latch cover on my '64 cuda?

Hi Syleng1. Thx. Yes, I have the cardboard cover that goes across the back of the trunk & surrounds the Trunk latch assembly from the bottom. However, that cover is not going to help me with the interference provided by that "tab" that shows in my 1st, top, photo. I've got that cover in the garage. It's of no significance with respect to the tab issue... I'm busy putting chrome pieces back on for now & will get back to my blue trunk latch cover at a later date. I may analyze things & just cut the tab off if it has no function. TBD... I don't know why the heck I cannot remember the details that I went through when I took it off 18 mos. ago, but dimensia may be taking its toll, idk. I am 71 yo, so... It may help if someone with a '64 cuda would show photos of the sequence involved in taking the cover off of the trunk latch & then putting it back on, but even then, it would only help if his trunk latch has the same tab sticking out as mine has. Everything in my photos is original for my 1964 Barracuda, no variants. Good day, & bye4now, pete