Dirty D - 73 Duster Street/Strip Build

Mated up the engine and trans. Had to wait a while for some converter bolts and a converter cover. Had a friend come over and the whole setup went in under an hour in 95 degree heat.

Headers went in without a problem. The lift made it relatively easy. Didn't really follow the instructions and still managed to squeeze them in somehow. I wrapped them in cellophane to try and minimize any coating damage but there are still some scrapes here and there. No big deal.

Pulleys, Throttle Body, Radiator, Shifter linkage, Starter, ECU sensors, clutch fan, fan, bypass hose, heater plug, etc are all installed and ready to go.

I need to install the Hyperspark distributor and put in an O2 sensor. I should be ready to go after that, which is a bit nerve-racking. I know it won't start on the first turn of the key (does it ever?) and am not looking forward to the diagnosing that ensues, but I am excited to hear this thing run. Oh, I've also got to install the trans cooler.....scored a big *** earls cooler for 75% off. So a few thing left before I'll post again.


