Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

First of all, the term "butt hurt" seems to be a Millenial favorite...a stupid term that annoys many people.
Secondly, if you're discouraged and disappointed with the situation, what are YOU doing about it? Have you joined a club and made suggestions to liven up the agenda?
Change may take time. Ask around about who is a drag racer, a drifter, a road course guy/gal. The motorsports aspect is always going to be more involved with their cars than the "lawn chair behind the car at the car show crowd".
I'm a member of a Sacramento Mopar club. There are some OLD members that do almost nothing in the club but there are a few around 30 that DO.
Im not much of a club guy. I did the jeep club thing for a while until they made me president and took all the fun out of it. Now I just hang with guys that build stuff and do cool stuff. I'm loving the Rat Rod guys. They seem to be where the talent and creativity resides these days. But there are very few of them here.

I didn't know millennials used "butt hurt" I would have guessed that offended their delicate sensibilities. But If I gave a damn about annoying people I wouldn't have had any fun in my life. But I suppose I would have been thrown out of a lot fewer bars.