Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

I used to do the show and shine, and cruise night things, they were fun for a while, got all of the same "you should have done" or "you shoudn't do" bullshit. Had one guy come right in my face and start beaking off at me for putting my car in a burnout contest! "Oh, that car is way too nice to do that to it, why would you ruin such a nice car?" This was immediately after I tore him a new asshole for leaning against the fender!

Where I live now there are far less cruise events and shows locally, often the bigger shows are an hour or more away, which is fine, we still go to a few, and we drive wherever we are going, I don't own a trailer, and I live by my signature line. Mostly I find that there is always something else that needs to be done and I just don't have the time lately to go to many shows. When I do, I go to look at the cars there, I no longer enter my junk in any shows, have no need of a cheap plastic trophy and I can leave when I feel like leaving.