BigBoy 68

Surprised this is still ongoing. About 2 years ago
He drove about 45 minutes to my house to pick up parts. First words out of his mouth were I'm $5.00 short is that ok?

So if I say no then I guess you drove her for nothing? I can mail it to you.
There is anATM just down the road. well I have another problem , my one back tire is low on air, and i dont have a bank card. Uh no pal the tires not low it's flat.
now I have him in my driveway with a flat and short on money , like i believed that.. So just to get rid of him. I stick a can of fix a flat in blow up the tire take his money give him the parts.minus one part. I tell him I have to look for it.
So off he goes. I see him at Carlisle a year latter. Did you find that part. Sure, did you send me the $5.00 oh.I forgot. Well your here now, . Do you have the part with you?. Sure do it's the 5 you owe me plus the can of fix a flat plus interest so $25.00 should cover it.
Still have the part.