Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

Based on the various car event complaints - musical selections, over-restored cars, under-restored cars, fart pipes, desire to see cars that are driven and thrashed, the age of participants, the age of the spectators, the mechanical capabilities of folks, and yadda-yadda-yadda, I think I have a reasonable compromise.

Most of the people here that are unhappy should look into participating in “24 Hours of Lemons.” Lemons insist on a tight budget, mechanics are on the race teams, they emphasize creativity and safety, and the older the car, the better your points standing.
Plus, if you don’t want to race on a track, they also have ralley races.

From what I read, and what participants have told me, it appears to be everything a lot of the disillusioned folks are looking for.