Let’s have a good track weather (bar, temp, humidity, corrected altitude) discussion

Actually, when humidity goes up, you need to jet down (go leaner). The reason being is that higher humidity means there are more water molecules in the air which displace oxygen molecules. Water doesn't burn and with less oxygen available, you need less fuel to maintain an optimum A/F (air/fuel) ratio to make the most HP.

Similar situation with altitude. The higher you go up (i.e.: Mile High nationals), you have to jet leaner because the thinner air offers less oxygen.

With less oxygen available and leaning the carb to maintain the best A/F ratio, you will make less HP overall. But maintaining the best A/F ratio you can will provide the most HP using the oxygen that is available.

DA gets more complicated.

I used an Altronics PerformAIRE ECLIPSE during my years running with IHRA and found it very helpful. Just gotta make sure you put the most accurate data possible so it can provide accurate predictions. One minor driver, mechanical or weather "difference" in a run will affect the data. (i.e.: tire slip, launch RPM, shift points, wind/breeze strength & direction, engine water temp., tire pressures, stage position, etc.) When you are sure you make s run with the minimal amount of variation, you put that in. (The weather station takes care of the weather side of things.) I entered the wind and direction the best I could manually with a separate wind meter. Walls, bleachers, etc. can cause some inaccuracies there due to blocking & swirling.

Weather stations/predictors are expensive but keeping accurate records any way possible can help you find patterns and help predictions.
Some quick weather changes can fool you or the weather station. Sometimes you can just "feel" the air get better or worse. Not 100% fool-proof, but it helps.