The Beaver Hole Hardwood Company Begins

I sure am glad 95% of the stuff I need to finish my setup has already been acquired (although I'm considering a temporary change from 1948 Ohio branch of PRR to 1995 FL industrial park regional Pinsley). PRICES are crazy right now. One new HO scale car is averaging $50!
Yeah no kiddin. I've had all this stuff for the better part of twenty years waiting to build it. There's no way in hell I could afford it all now. The "fanciest" locomotive I have is an On30 Spectrum 2 truck Shay that I snagged off ebay. The guy thought it had the obligatory split gear syndrome since it wouldn't move. Come to find out, it had one wire whose soldered connection had broken. After I fixed it, it runs fine. I don't even remember what I paid for it, but it wasn't much because I bought it. lol I have one other OLD 4 wheel diesel locomotive and those two will be the two I will use. I have the layout blocked into three sections. The switchback, the center and the inside run on the side of the sawmill. So two locomotives is really all I need operating. I may run a rail truck with whores in the back pulling a flatcar with more on it. The boys gotta have their fun.