Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

Okay after spending a few days in the hospital because of shortness of breath for one thing, just like I had the symptoms of the Widowmaker blockage back in 2020 it winds up that I have a chest full of fluid. My doctor took me off of a Lasix and change it to a different kind of Lasik and then cancel that LASIK so in the meantime my area around my heart and lungs and in my lungs is filling up with fluid. So I spent a few days in the hospital peeing out the fluid and getting poked by the needle to draw blood every few hours and they had really good food though. But they didn't understand that they couldn't feed a lot of that stuff to a type 2 diabetic because it contained too many carbs. Well anyway I am now off the rat poison known as Coumadin. And he has me scheduled for a different drug. But I need to take a 5-day break from the Coumadin before starting the new drug. Oh and by the way the coumadin and that other crap dissolved the blood clot in my heart. But the doctors would not make that statement that the blood clot was gone. They said they don't see any evidence of one. Anyway I had the same sensation of not being able to breathe as when the Widowmaker was plugged up and my echo echogram showed that I'm still at 15% on the ejection fraction. Anyway I'm home and I do feel better and I can breathe again and I am peeing a lot. Things just keep getting better.
It was 110 today. I love August.