Friends that you had to let go.

I hung out with a lot of "friends of friends" in college who were fun to be around but as the years went by I realized they weren't "real" friends who would do much beneficial for you or be there in a time of need and/or had toxic personalities. I stopped talking to them not long after graduating and focused on my close long-term friends and family.

I'm generally not a very social person and am pretty particular about who I choose to be friends with. Trashy people with bad morals and habits I just don't bother with even if we have similar interests or sense of humor. Now at my new job I have the opposite problem lol, all the guys I work with are good people but all they talk about is sports, occasional drinking activities, married-with-children life. I will hopefully be able to relate to that last one in the near future but the rest? IDGAF... Fantasy football can kiss my a$$ :thumbsup: