1969 GTS 340 4spd

man, this is a tough one. that's a big pill on paint and body, not to mention a full interior.

i don't see the missing drive train as *that* big of deal, realistically you can just shoehorn whatever in there. but to get into that "real money" if you go to sell, numbers matching is what people will want, and an acceptable compromise of "year correct" will still be top tier but not bank robber sacks with the $ signs on them.

if you've always really wanted one, then you can hang a few more dollars on the price for romanticized reasons, but if you're just thinking about picking it up for a future project to build and sell or the usual "they don't make these no more" then i'd skew it back down the line.

from pictures and descriptions, i'd say 5-ish would be a decent buy. if it's a dream car, i'd bump it to 7 adjacent. but running the numbers in my head all i can think is getting upside down on this right quick. visions of 100 dollar bills with wings fluttering out of my wallet and into the sunset, my paypal account balance migrating like birds in winter, a fat stack of cash taking on the semblance of murmurations at the car show swap meet. calls from the credit card company asking if i authorized charges...