Uneven tie rods and adjusters? Steering wheel alignment weirdness

Is that as simple as lining up the notch to the 12 o'clock position? Or is there a procedure I need to do?
Count the number of turns of the steering wheel lock to lock, divide by two, then count that number back to center and that will be very close to the center of the gear box. Example: For simplicity's sake, let's say it's 5 turns lock to lock. Now, starting at one lock, turn the wheel back 2.5 turns. Understand? Then note where the wheels are pointing. Now, come up with a way to "lock" the wheel where it is at the "halfway" position and then reset the toe pointing the wheels straight ahead without moving the wheel. Once that's done, you should be very close to the center of the gear box. Then you can see about moving the wheel itself back to center, if it is not.....and it probably won't be.