Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

I heard we are restructuring (well, structuring, really) our church's security team, and we will be having quarterly range time

I'm excited for that, but I wonder who is going to pay for the ammo
we conduct a lot of church security training here in the South, in several states they they offer the chance for commissioned church/school security. It amounts to sixty hours of training ( in Ark) and full range quals identical to what police dept maintain. This in turn allows the church security teams to be armed and insured by the church. Typically the folks pay for their own firearm but church pays for training and ammo costs. My Company is one of the few that is licensed and allowed to conduct and issue the training. Many states are different. Verify with your State what kind of latitude your team has for protection on the legal landscape. There Is two fundamental hurdles we face daily with regards to training. One is “We don’t need it, Bubba and Bobby have conceal permits” The second hurdle is full support from the Church congregation and staff. Typically in the beginning there is a lot of in-house opposition to the whole concept of armed security in a Church. But as the program evolves and becomes more visible it does not take the folks long to completely endorse the program. Keep in mind in the beginning you will only have a couple of guys willing to serve in this fashion, be aware you have got to rotate them so they don’t get burnt out. Many start full of enthusiasm then soon recognize it is actually serving and comes at a cost. The cost being not having the chance to sit in the service with family and get fed like everyone else. I apologize for the wordy response but training Church’s and Schools is literally what I do for a living. Our Company is founded on the very principles of the Church.There is no doubt in my mind there is a Company like ours in your neck of the woods, do some research and find a good one in your area. Folks underestimate the value of training. And do not hesitate to send me a PM if you want or need more info. I will provide anything or knowledge I can to help you and your Team get started.