Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

There Is two fundamental hurdles we face daily with regards to training. One is “We don’t need it, Bubba and Bobby have conceal permits” The second hurdle is full support from the Church congregation and staff. Typically in the beginning there is a lot of in-house opposition to the whole concept of armed security in a Church. But as the program evolves and becomes more visible it does not take the folks long to completely endorse the program
i cant remember when exactly it was, but there was a rash of Church shootings a few years ago that made us decide we need to protect our congregation (i replied to your PM with a little more info on our church)

hurdle number two, was never there for us, i honestly believe on any given day, you will not find a more heavily armed group of citizens in our lil town the our church

"funny" story about our church, my wife was sharing the Gospel with a couple a while ago and asked them if they had a home Church
when they said no, she suggested they visit our Church and the couple just kinda looked at each other in silence

so my wife asked what was the matter?

and they said, they had heard of our Church, and that everyone carries there
my wife said, well, not everyone, but probably half of the guys do

then they asked if her husband carried, and she said yes

they just couldnt believe it

we never did see them at Church

We had a church killing down here last year. They literally had no defense but to hit the shooter with chairs. I cant imagine the futility, the helpless feeling and panic that went through their minds. I used to be a 75% of the time carry guy at church. Since this happened I am holstered 100% of the time at church. It may be a one in a million chance, but if it is your church or event, statistics dont matter anymore.


have you seen footage of the White Settlement shooting?
10 seconds and the whole thing was over

there are people out there with more knowledge then me, who disected the video and made some interesting remarks

one of the men who died that day was part of the security team and drew on the shooter after the shooter had opened fire, the shooter shot him before he could get his weapon aimed

a little further away was a second member of the team who was extremely skilled, and properly trained and shot the shooter to end the threat