Speedometer Gear Seal

Here are some photos I took when I changed out my seal

13 new items by Dana Nance

The fsm says "when the tool bottoms" not when the seal bottoms.

So the depth should probably be determined to be where the seal surface is in the middle area of the mating seal surface on the Speedo gear shaft.

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Last weekend I installed the seal until the seal bottomed in the housing, then pushed the c clip in until it bottomed out on a second shoulder. The speedometer gear was snug in the housing and a little stiff to turn. Today I have a large red puddle under the car. The leak is definitely the inner seal. Looks like I get to try this again. Does anyone know what tool C-4004 looks like (reference the FSM above), or at least how long the tool is? Trying to nail down the seal insertion depth so I don't have to do this a third time.