Best TV streamin device?

I can understand the frustration of dealing with streaming device issues, especially when you're attached to your current flat-screen TV. The ""low current"" message from your Roku can be quite perplexing, and adding a new circuit might not be a feasible option.
Before you consider purchasing a new smart TV, it's worth exploring alternative solutions. One option you could look into is the Genplay app IPTV. This might provide the smart functionality you're looking for without the need for a new TV or additional circuits.
Exploring different avenues like this can save you money and effort. It's always a good idea to weigh your options thoroughly. Give it a try, and you might just find a convenient solution that keeps your TV setup intact.
We did buy a new smart TV and by todays standards not too big or costly. I still have not bought an app!!!!:BangHead: