Need advice on basic exhaust system

Thanks Dave! Good explanation. I’ll add two duckets….

The X & H pipe also offer a slight change in sound. Very minor.
Being that the exhaust pulses are shared.
The following descriptions apply with with a upgraded and a bit warmed up engine in the power department.

Do note this. Sound through mufflers changes with every muffler and every diameter change when it exits the tail pipe. If you’re unsure of what muffler to run, the best advice I can give is visit various car meets and race tracks for a listen. Ask the cars driver what exhaust they’re running and at what size. Also ask a little about the engine.

The H pipe offers a slightly softer note that comes out the tail pipes equally. The sound becomes fuller, in stereo so to speak. As opposed to the pulses changing from left to right following the firing order.

The H pipe is the true classic muscle car sound. 100%!

The X pipe is also like this but bit quieter at idle and cruise.
But! When you’re at wide open throttle and getting to the higher rpm range of the engine, the exhaust note changes to a shrieking banshee sounding as if the engine is spinning another thousand or so rpm higher.

(Quick story)
I found this out of the wife’s car and it has been advantageous in creating some fear in the next lane to unknowing street challenges brewing. Normally it’s a new fella and/or a young person sending out signals they wanna challenge the ‘67 Cúda to a run. While at advantageous speed, I will drop the trans down a gear, mash the GO pedal and let’er rip forward sending that wonderful sounding shrieking banshee exhaust note into their poor unsuspecting ear freaking them out. That and some rubber smells and smoke.

At one point or another the cars come to a light or slow down enough where I lie a little and tell them, “I got another easy 1500+ rpm of power to unleash on your ***, where can we go?” They’re like “WAAAAAAAATTT????”
I lie a little again and tell them “I only got to 6K on the tach, I need room to really open it up so it can rip!” Truth was I only got to about 5K.
Everyone has declined so far.

Just remember that the X pipe description is on a fairly hot street set up.
The exhaust is TTI headers and exhaust system stem to stern and uses Dynomax turbo mufflers. The system is 2-1/2. Its sound level is pretty good in the car and roars nicely when you’re at WOT.
(Wide Open Throttle)
You can have a conversation in the car with little effort to speak above the interior sound level. Listen to the stereo without wearing out your ears.