Anyone else going through trailer tires this summer?

Damn Carlisle radials, had one blow on my camping trailer, about 2 miles from home leaving to go camping.
The tires were less than 2 years old, destroyed my fender, shoved the heater into the cabin, and took out the steps.
One tire did alot of damage. I even checked the air pressure before leaving the house, lots of fun changing the tire the old fashion way.
Put Goodyear Assurance tires on, the camper handles better, and the tires have gave me no problems.

On a different note, I have Carlisle bias plys on my small enclosed trailer, they are almost 15 years old, have not dry cracked or anything, have plenty of tread so I guess the older ones are better quality. Or the smaller trailer is alot lighter, which takes alot of load off.