Is it possible for 318 to run with dist. 180 deg. off ???

So far as voltage, check your running/ charging voltage at the battery, warmed up and normalized, at a good fast idle. Battery should run at 13.5--14.2. Not much lower or higher. VR is temperature compensated so get the engine warm

Oil should not affect the pickup, but I would be concerned how it is getting there. I doubt you are driving it much? If so, how did oil get there in a short time/ mileage?

This may be a combo of timing and carb idle mixture with a larger performance cam

First attempt to verify that you do not have a vacuum leak. Check any/ all vacuum lines, and see if the booster is holding.

Do you know where your initial timing is set? Many guys try and run too retarded WITH A PERFORMANCE CAM.

Play with timing, advance it and see if it improves

Next, make certain the carb idle screws have effect. They must be set warm, and must be set AFTER timing is set, and then adjusted to highest vacuum/ highest idle RPM, and then just "touch them cw to lean. Should not affect either RPM or vacuum.

Pull the carb and examine the throttle blades, and google search "idle transfer slots." These are the little slots where the primary blades move past during transition from idle as the blades come open. You want them "in that zone" of the slots. If not double check where is the timing and see if it can use more at idle.