Hoist vs stacker

Steve, I have a 4 post lift in my garage. It's good to store cars up top and to put them over onto a rack I built to store 4 in the place of 2, but it is kinda sucky to work under. It's fine to change oil, R&R a transmission or an 8 3/4 chunk, but kind of a pain in the butt to try and do any front suspension work. I wish I had the room and the $$ to add a 2 post in my shop and keep the 4 post, but I don't. The one thing you might want to do is check the specs on a 2 post lift that you would like and see how much room you will have in the addition between the side walls and the posts. 15 feet wide might be a little tight between the backside of the posts and the walls. Either way though, it is nice to not have to lay on your back to work!