1971 Dodge Dart Rancho Cordova, CA. Pick-N-Pull (Not Mine)

I asked that guy that question, "how he got there so fast?"
I got that notification in the evening hours.
He told me he was there yesterday.
So he must have seen them putting it out in the row.
Lucky him.
He scored big time.
the notifications are BS, as are the online inventory put downs.

i saw something thursday online, got the notification that afternoon, late. was there at the opening bell friday. car was middle of the row and the stuff was long gone to saskatchewan. cars up and down the row were tore the F apart, like been there days picked over.

also, some of their "classics" pricing is straight horseshit. doubling up the price on certain stuff is lame AF business practice. and don't get me started on the skittering demons behind the windows that don't know their *** from a hole in the ground on what they're trying to charge you for.