1971 Dodge Dart Rancho Cordova, CA. Pick-N-Pull (Not Mine)

So all of the cheap used cars disappeared from the market, thereby driving up the value/demand of what’s left. How is that not directly correlated?

I watched it happen. I’ve been in junk yards since 1999, you would find several A bodies at any given time. Yes, usually wrecked 4 doors, but they were out there. Then poof, gone, that 71 was the first A body I’ve seen in a regular pick and pull since 2010. When was cash for clunkers again?
do you know how cash for clunkers worked?

i have a feeling that we've had this conversation previously... a real sense of deja vu...

also, i've seen at least a dozen a-bodies in the last 6mo across 3 yards